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Shepherdstown Goes Purple

Shepherdstown Goes Purple

Shepherdstown Goes Purple During National Recovery Month

Every September, the nation turns its focus to the millions of Americans who are battling substance use disorders. As we step into National Recovery Month, Shepherdstown has chosen to show its unwavering support by going purple.

This initiative, Shepherdstown Goes Purple, is more than just a symbolic gesture. It serves as a beacon of hope, a sign of solidarity, and a clear message that our community stands firmly with those in recovery and anyone working towards it. Substance use disorder is an issue that affects individuals from all walks of life, and it's essential that they know they are not alone.

Why Purple?

Purple is the designated color of National Recovery Month. It signifies the spirit of recovery, the courage it takes to walk the path of sobriety, and the hope that springs from every success story. By turning our town purple, we are shining a light on this critical issue, breaking the stigma associated with addiction, and opening up a conversation that can save lives.

What to Expect?

Throughout the month of September, various landmarks, businesses, and homes in Shepherdstown will be illuminated in purple. There will be a series of events, workshops, and support group meetings that cater to individuals and families affected by substance use disorders. From educational seminars to sobriety celebrations, Shepherdstown is committed to fostering an environment of understanding, acceptance, and healing.

Community Engagement

We encourage everyone to participate in this endeavor. Here's how you can show your support:

  1. Light Up: Illuminate your homes or businesses in purple.
  2. Wear Purple: Don the color in your daily attire, be it a shirt, scarf, or even a ribbon.
  3. Educate: Attend seminars and workshops. Knowledge is a powerful tool in this fight.
  4. Support: Reach out to those you know who are in recovery or struggling with addiction. Offer a listening ear, a kind word, or any form of support you can provide.
  5. Share Stories: If you or someone you know has a recovery story, share it. Every story inspires someone else to take the first step.

Shepherdstown Goes Purple is more than a campaign. It's a movement. A movement to stand against the challenges of substance abuse, to champion those who are battling it every day, and to ensure that every individual knows that recovery is possible.

Together, as a community, we can make a difference. Join us in turning Shepherdstown purple and let's show our undying support for recovery this September.

Reach Out

Please contact us using this form. We are here to help.